SM Elite Beta — The Second Wave

3 min readMay 25, 2020

Soccer Manager Ltd have started beta round 2 of Soccer Manager Elite.

In this next beta round, SM Elite includes a lite client, which removes the requirement to run a full Xaya node. You can simply run SM Elite with its built-in wallet.

Read more about Soccer Manager Elite here:

To install the latest beta client:

This is available for anyone to download — however if you are not in the beta you will not be given a manager position — but you can still see a lot of what is happening. You will need some CHI to create a name — someone in Discord will send you an account/CHI if you ask there.

It is worth noting that the UI/graphics are currently place holders and the final UI is being designed at the moment.

First, download and install the latest beta release from here:

Next, install and run it.

When you see this screen:

For new users it is recommended to use the new SIMPLE mode once you run the game. If you are already in the beta you may click advanced and continue as in the previous beta.

You’ll then see the following:

Click the WALLET button in the upper-right corner. You’ll then see this:

Now follow these steps:


Simply click “VIEW SEED PHRASE” and accept the warning. Write down the 12 word seed phrase.

A text box with 12 words will appear. Copy them and store them safely (with no typos). It can be on a piece of paper in your safe at home or on a backup device.

If you lose this, you lose all the CHI and SM Elite coins/teams/clubs that you own.

Note: you can import this seed phrase into the Xaya Electrum Android wallet to also keep track of your Xaya/CHI coins there. Anything on there will be reflected in the SM Elite built-in wallet.


This is an address to receive the Xaya cryptocurrency CHI too.

Click the “GENERATE NEW RECEIVE ADDRESS” button then copy the new address.

Paste this into Discord and someone will send you some CHI and/or an account with further instructions.

For more detailed instructions and gameplay, see here:

Get in Discord to ask for support.

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